Privacy Policy

AFRGO BV  has its registered head office in Zaventem, Belgium. This privacy policy will explain how our organisation uses the personal data we collect from you when you use our website.

What data we collect
AFRGO collects the following data:


  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • IP address
  • Other personal data that you actively provide, for instance by creating a profile on this website, in correspondence and by telephone.
  • Location data
  • Information about your activities on our website
  • Data about your surfing behaviour across different websites (for example in case AFRGO is part of an advertising network).
  • Internet browser and device type


Special and / or sensitive personal data we collect
Our website and / or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors under the age of 16. Unless they have parental or guardian permission. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16. We, therefore, recommend that parents be involved in the online activities of their children, to prevent data about children from being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information about a minor without this permission, please contact us at and we will delete this information.

For what purpose and on what basis we collect personal data
AFRGO collects your personal data for the following purposes:


  • Sending our e-mail updates on market reports, new information on our website etc.
  • To be able to call or e-mail you if necessary, to carry out our services.
  • To inform you about changes to our services and products.
  • AFRGO analyses your behaviour on the website to improve the website and to tailor the range of products and services to your preferences.
  • AFRGO follows your surfing behaviour on various websites to tailor our products and services to your needs.


Automated decision making
AFRGO does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people. These are decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without involving a person (for example, an employee of AFRGO).

How we store your data
AFRGO retains your data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected. How long we keep your data will vary and will depend on the purpose and use of information collected. There are also legal requirements that we keep some types of data for specific periods.

Your data protection rights
AFRGO would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request AFRGO for copies of your data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the to request that AFRGO correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request AFRGO to complete information you believe in incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that AFRGO erase your data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that AFRGO restrict the processing of your data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to AFRGO’s processing of your data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that AFRGO transfer the data that we have collected to another organisation, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our e-mail or write to us at Silversquare, Ikaroslaan 1, 1930 Zaventem Belgium.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you, and we ask you to send us a copy of your ID to ensure that the request has been made by you. In this copy, please blackout your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of a passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN). This is to protect your privacy.

Sharing personal data with third parties
AFRGO only provides personal data to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation.

Cookies and similar technologies
AFRGO uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file placed in the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website, to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behaviour information. AFRGO uses cookies with purely technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly and that, for example, your preferred settings are remembered. These cookies are also used to optimise the website. Additionally, we use cookies that keep track of your surfing behaviour so that we can offer customised content and advertisements. On your first visit to our website, we have already informed you about these cookies and asked for permission to place them. On our website, sometimes cookies are also placed by third parties. These are, for example, advertisement and / or social media companies. You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the website below tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result.

For further information, visit

How we protect personal data
AFRGO takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modification. However, we cannot guarantee the security of information provided over the Internet and will not be responsible for breaches of security beyond our reasonable control. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of abuse, please contact us via To protect your data, we send your data via a secure internet connection (TLS – formerly SSL). You can see this in the address bar ‘https’ and the padlock in the address bar.

Privacy policies of other websites
AFRGO website contains links to other websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.

Changes to our privacy policy
AFRGO keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 2 January 2021.

How to contact us
If you have any questions about AFRGO’s privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

AFRGO would also like to point out that you can file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can do this here:

Address: Silversquare, Ikaroslaan 1, 1930 Zaventem Belgium